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Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash (Organic)

Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash (Organic)

Regular price $3.45 USD
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Early Prolific Straightneck
Cucurbita pepo

42 days — 'Early Prolific Straightneck' has become the standard yellow, straight-necked type, summer squash in gardens all over the United States. Its bush-type plants produce generous amounts of fruit that taper towards the stem end, are smooth skinned when young and at the typical harvest stage, and are a nice light-lemon yellow color. They are mature at twelve to fourteen inches long but are tender and succulent when they are five to six inches long.

Developed by the old Ferry-Morse Seed Company of Detroit, Michigan, 'Early Prolific Straightneck' was stabilized as a distinct cultivar from a selection of 'Summer Crookneck'.[1] Introduce in 1938, it was an "All-America Selection®" winner that same year. Each packet contains four grams, which is approximately 36 to 40 seeds.

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Planting Instructions: Choose a location that has warm, well-drained and fertile soil. Work in plenty of organic matter and mulch to conserve moisture.

Sow directly into the garden after any threat of frost has past. Sow one inch deep in hills or rows spaced 24 to 30 inches apart.

Harvest when the fruit is six to eight inches long or still tender. Harvest will be lengthened if you keep picking. Although the name or description of this variety refers to a modern company's name, the seed we are offering is in no way sourced from, "owned by" or connected with that company. The name is simply the historically accurate, common name for the variety giving credit to the seedsmen that originally released it. Informational Resources:
  1. "Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America - Squash, Lists 1-27 Combined," Edited by Linda Wessel-Beaver, Department of Agronomy and Soils, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.