2025 Victory Seeds Tomato Intros Pack
2025 Victory Seeds Tomato Intros Pack
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For 2025, Victory Seed Company has introduced 14 new tomato introductions, 8 of which are from the Dwarf Tomato Project, and the remaining are newly introduced heirlooms.
Place a single order for this item and you will get one packet of each of the items shown below at an overall discount. If you prefer, you can order them individually one by one, by clicking on each item in the list.
Dwarf Gramma Elsie Tomato
90 days, dwarf - The rugose, potato leaf plants of 'Dwarf Gramma Elsie' produce a high yield of juicy, globe shaped, 4 to 6 ounce, pale yellow / ivory colored fruit with a delightful, deliciously tart flavor.
Dwarf Kip's Stripes Tomato
75 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Kip's Stripes' reach about five feet tall and productive. Its four to five ounce fruit are dark pink with golden-orange stripes, juicy, with a tart but slightly sweet, snappy and refreshing complex flavor.
Dwarf Shimmering Beauty Tomato
90 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Shimmering Beauty' produce a high yield of 6 to 16 ounce, nearly round to oblate shaped tomatoes that are striped light and dark green. The flavor is outstanding, complex, and deliciously tart.
Dwarf Allie's July Tomato
80 days, dwarf - The plants of 'Dwarf Allie's July' have variegated, rugose, regular leaves and reach four to five feet in height and produce a high yield of three to six ounce, juicy pink tomatoes with a delicious, subtly sweet but pleasantly tart flavor.
Dwarf Betty's Smile Tomato
80 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Betty's Smile' reach about four feet and are quite bushy. Its fruit are oblate shaped, pink in color, weigh between 4 to 7 ounces, and have a mild, balanced flavor.
Price's Purple Tomato
90 days, indeterminate - 'Price's Purple', sometimes referred to as "Purple Price," produces lots of oblate, eight ounce to over one pound, purple tomatoes (the same color as 'Cherokee Purple') on tall, rather spindly potato leaf vines. The flavor is rich, delicious, and balanced nicely between sweet and tart.
Abel Tomato
75 days, indeterminate - The regular leaf vines of 'Abel' are dense and bushy, and grow over six feet tall. Its fruit are red, globe to oblate shaped, weigh 2 to 10 ounces, are juicy, with a sweet, mild flavor. 'Abel' is extremely productive and produced over a long period throughout the growing season.
Big Sandy Tomato
90 days, indeterminate - Quite early for a large fruited variety (as early as 75 days in some locations), the large (but not too large) oblate, well formed scarlet red fruit average 12 ounces but can get larger. The variety is regular leaf, and the fruit are produced on vigorous indeterminate vines.
Dwarf Howard's Railroad Tomato
90 days, dwarf - The lutescent, rugose, potato leaf plants of 'Dwarf Howard's Railroad' produce a high yield of two to four ounce, globe to oblate-shaped, pale yellow tomatoes with a pleasant, slightly tart yet balanced flavor.
Abraham Brown Tomato
95 days, indeterminate - mid to late season variety, producing excellent yields of chocolate brown beefsteak-type tomatoes that average 1lb. The shape is a bit rounder than oblate. The vigorous potato leaf plants are very tall and sprawling.
Gondwana Thunder Tomato
100 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Gondwana Thunder' are compact and reach about 3' tall. Its fruit weigh 1-5oz, are globe to flattened-globe in shape. Their color begins as a bright green turning a deep purple-black color, and ripening to pink (clear skin with red flesh).
Dixville Tomato
75 days, determinate - 'Dixville' plants are compact, reach about three feet tall and have regular-type leaves that curl upwards. Its fruit are flattened-globe shaped, red in color, and weigh from 2 to 6 ounces. They have a firm skin, are juicy but meaty, and slightly tart with sweet undertones.
Dwarf Mignonne Tomato
The rugose, regular leaf plants produce loads of 3oz, pear-shaped fruit that ripen to yellow with strong black antho on the shoulders. They are juicy and mild. These produce very well in a wide variety of conditions, including the hot and dry climates of the Southwest. The plant is dwarf, reaching upwards of around 4'.
Potato Leaf Yellow Tomato
90 days, indeterminate - Vigorous, very tall potato leaf plants produce an abundance of oblate, occasionally lobed, medium orange tomatoes that typically vary in size from 4-20oz, borne in large clusters. The fruit has a solid, smooth texture and a perfectly balanced, delicious flavor.
Place a single order for this item and you will get one packet of each of the items shown below at an overall discount. If you prefer, you can order them individually one by one, by clicking on each item in the list.

90 days, dwarf - The rugose, potato leaf plants of 'Dwarf Gramma Elsie' produce a high yield of juicy, globe shaped, 4 to 6 ounce, pale yellow / ivory colored fruit with a delightful, deliciously tart flavor.

75 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Kip's Stripes' reach about five feet tall and productive. Its four to five ounce fruit are dark pink with golden-orange stripes, juicy, with a tart but slightly sweet, snappy and refreshing complex flavor.

90 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Shimmering Beauty' produce a high yield of 6 to 16 ounce, nearly round to oblate shaped tomatoes that are striped light and dark green. The flavor is outstanding, complex, and deliciously tart.

80 days, dwarf - The plants of 'Dwarf Allie's July' have variegated, rugose, regular leaves and reach four to five feet in height and produce a high yield of three to six ounce, juicy pink tomatoes with a delicious, subtly sweet but pleasantly tart flavor.

80 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Dwarf Betty's Smile' reach about four feet and are quite bushy. Its fruit are oblate shaped, pink in color, weigh between 4 to 7 ounces, and have a mild, balanced flavor.

90 days, indeterminate - 'Price's Purple', sometimes referred to as "Purple Price," produces lots of oblate, eight ounce to over one pound, purple tomatoes (the same color as 'Cherokee Purple') on tall, rather spindly potato leaf vines. The flavor is rich, delicious, and balanced nicely between sweet and tart.

75 days, indeterminate - The regular leaf vines of 'Abel' are dense and bushy, and grow over six feet tall. Its fruit are red, globe to oblate shaped, weigh 2 to 10 ounces, are juicy, with a sweet, mild flavor. 'Abel' is extremely productive and produced over a long period throughout the growing season.

90 days, indeterminate - Quite early for a large fruited variety (as early as 75 days in some locations), the large (but not too large) oblate, well formed scarlet red fruit average 12 ounces but can get larger. The variety is regular leaf, and the fruit are produced on vigorous indeterminate vines.

90 days, dwarf - The lutescent, rugose, potato leaf plants of 'Dwarf Howard's Railroad' produce a high yield of two to four ounce, globe to oblate-shaped, pale yellow tomatoes with a pleasant, slightly tart yet balanced flavor.

95 days, indeterminate - mid to late season variety, producing excellent yields of chocolate brown beefsteak-type tomatoes that average 1lb. The shape is a bit rounder than oblate. The vigorous potato leaf plants are very tall and sprawling.

100 days, dwarf - The rugose, regular leaf plants of 'Gondwana Thunder' are compact and reach about 3' tall. Its fruit weigh 1-5oz, are globe to flattened-globe in shape. Their color begins as a bright green turning a deep purple-black color, and ripening to pink (clear skin with red flesh).

75 days, determinate - 'Dixville' plants are compact, reach about three feet tall and have regular-type leaves that curl upwards. Its fruit are flattened-globe shaped, red in color, and weigh from 2 to 6 ounces. They have a firm skin, are juicy but meaty, and slightly tart with sweet undertones.

The rugose, regular leaf plants produce loads of 3oz, pear-shaped fruit that ripen to yellow with strong black antho on the shoulders. They are juicy and mild. These produce very well in a wide variety of conditions, including the hot and dry climates of the Southwest. The plant is dwarf, reaching upwards of around 4'.

90 days, indeterminate - Vigorous, very tall potato leaf plants produce an abundance of oblate, occasionally lobed, medium orange tomatoes that typically vary in size from 4-20oz, borne in large clusters. The fruit has a solid, smooth texture and a perfectly balanced, delicious flavor.

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