Abraham Brown Tomato
Abraham Brown Tomato
95 days, indeterminate - 'Abraham Brown' is a mid to late season variety, producing excellent yields of chocolate brown beefsteak-type tomatoes that average one pound. The shape is a bit rounder than oblate. The vigorous potato leaf plants are very tall and sprawling, seeming to tolerate common tomato foliage diseases very well. The flavor of the tomatoes is exceptional – rich but balanced and quite complex, with a lovely texture.
'Abraham Brown' is the result of a "bee cross" with one of Millard Murdock’s varieties 'Black Magic'. 'Black Magic' is a cross between 'Lucky Cross' and an unknown variety that was stabilized by Mr. Murdock of Flat Rock, North Carolina. Craig LeHoullier received seeds of 'Abraham Brown' by North Carolina tomato grower Mike Jones at a Mother Earth News Fair event at which Craig was speaking in 2017. Initially a bit unstable, several years of work by Craig and Mike Dunton resulted in what appears to match the correct characteristics of 'Abraham Brown' as developed by Millard Murdock. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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