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Velvet Red Tomato

Velvet Red Tomato

Regular price $2.95 USD
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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available. Click here to learn more about our seasonal products.
Velvet Red

80 days, indeterminate — The vigorous plants of 'Velvet Red' are very productive and have interesting, bluish-green, some say silvery-gray, colored, regular leaf foliage. Although we have not personally experienced it, some report that "non-silvery" plants occur on occasion.

The small, one-inch cherry tomatoes are bright red in color, globe-shaped, and have an excellent, sweet flavor. As the fruit are developing, their skin exhibits a pubescence (fuzziness) similar to "peach-type" varieties, but it diminishes as they mature.

Originally introduced to gardeners by our friend, the late Dr. Carolyn Male in 1997 noting that the she had received the variety from Joe Bratka of Elmwood, New Jersey in 1996. She described it as, "... perhaps the most beautiful Angora type foliage I've seen, huge sprawling plant with finely cut foliage ... just glitters in the sun ..." Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

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Informational References:
  1. "Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook," Seed Savers Exchange, Decorah, Iowa, 1997.