Aunt Gladys Tomato
Aunt Gladys Tomato
70 days, indeterminate - The potato leaf vines of 'Aunt Gladys' are early maturing, high yielding, produce large (5 to 20 ounce), pink colored, beefsteak type slicing tomatoes that are juicy and deliver a nice, mildly tart, delicious flavor.
Sent to us by Craig LeHoullier who described them as being, "... similar in flavor to 'German Johnson'."
This old family heirloom variety was shared with Craig by Jack Melnick of Williamson County, Tennessee. Jack recounted that sometime prior to 1928, his grandfather, Herb Hall, was given tomato seeds by his good friend, Ernest Hennon.
Mr. Hall grew the tomatoes in his garden until his death in 1943, afterwhich his daughter, Gladys Parker, took on the responsibility. She continued to grow the tomato every year until her passing, at the age of 94 years, in 2017.
At a family celebration in 1995, the tomato was featured as a table offering. Everyone in the family raved about it, while Aunt Gladys told the story of its origin. Wanting to help keep the variety, as well as the family tradition, alive, Jack received seeds from his Aunt and began growing the tomato that next summer.
'Aunt Gladys' was introduced by the Victory Seed Company to the gardening public for the 2024 season.
Brand new limited release for 2024. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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