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Cascadia Snap Pea

Cascadia Snap Pea

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Snap Pea

65 days — 'Cascadia' is a snap pea variety with pods that have very thick, fleshy walls that are succulent, crisp yet tender, and sweet. These Snap peas are a cross between English peas and snow peas and they are used in the same way as snow peas. That is, you eat to whole pod and do not shell them. Picked while relatively immature, strings are not a problem. However, if they get away from you, no worries; simply snap and de-string them (like green beans) and you will find the pods to still be crispy and sweet. We enjoy them raw in mixed greens salads, or lightly cooked in stir-fry dishes.

'Cascadia' pea plants are short and resistant to pea enation mosaic virus and fusarium wilt race 1. Bred by Dr. James R. Baggett of Oregon State University and released in 1992. Each ounce is generally enough to plant at least a ten foot row.
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Planting Instructions: Loosen rich well-drained soil in a location that receives six to eight hours of full sunlight per day. Add compost or fertilizer before planting.

Plant seeds directly outdoors in spring or fall when temperatures are cool. Plant 1½ inches deep, one to two seeds every two inches. Keep moist until germination. Thin to one plant every two inches in rows spaced thirty inches apart.