Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
'Sugar Daddy' snap peas are an early-producing, stringless variety, prized for their sweet, crisp, 3-inch pods that are ideal for snacking or adding to various dishes like salads, stir-fries, and soups. Developed by Dr. Calvin Lamborn, the creator of the first edible-podded snap pea, 'Sugar Daddy' was designed with enhancements over its predecessors, including more compact 24-30 inch bush vines that don’t require staking. This variety produces high yields of deep green pods within about 60 to 74 days.
'Sugar Daddy' plants are also highly resistant to common pea diseases such as powdery mildew and pea leaf roll virus. Each plant node can produce double pods filled with sweet, nutty-flavored peas that are hard to resist eating fresh from the vine. Though support isn’t necessary, a short fence or trellis can help with locating pods for harvest. Each ounce is about 140 seeds.
Plant seeds directly outdoors in spring or fall when temperatures are cool. Plant 1½ inches deep, one to two seeds every two inches. Keep moist until germination. Thin to one plant every two inches in rows spaced thirty inches apart.
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