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Orange Strawberry Tomato

Orange Strawberry Tomato

Regular price $3.95 USD
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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available.
Orange Strawberry 

75 days, indeterminate — 'Orange Strawberry' vines are lanky and require caging or staking. When growing a production number of plants, we use the Florida weave method with great success. The plants have light, wispy, almost droopy, foliage but this is normal and the plants remain healthy and vigorous.

The fruit average six to sixteen ounces in weight, are golden-orange in color, and heart-shaped. The first fruit that develop have few seeds. The later season fruit have small seed cavities and still produce very few seeds. Their flesh is solid, juicy and mild with a tart flavor that tastes more like a red variety than an orange or yellow. 

It should be noted that many seed suppliers have incorrectly or inadvertently renamed this variety as "German Orange Strawberry." This error was brought to our attention by our friend and mentor, Dr. Carolyn Male, who features the variety in her book, "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden."[1] Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

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Informational References:
  1. "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden," Dr. Carolyn Male, Workman Publishing, 1999, pages 182-183.