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Opalka Tomato

Opalka Tomato

Regular price $3.95 USD
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Certified Natural Grown

90 days, indeterminate — Like many paste-type varieties, the plants of  'Opalka' have wispy and droopy, regular leaf foliage. The red fruit reach up to six inches long and are elongated, tapering to blunt or sometimes pointed tips. They are meaty with few seeds, and unlike most common paste tomatoes, 'Opalka' actually has a good flavor making sauces and pastes even better.

This is another variety originating from our friend and tomato expert, the late Dr. Carolyn Male (NY MA C). She detailed its history as being given to her by a coworker named Carl Swidorski who described it as originally coming from Poland around 1900. Each packet contains approximately 10 seeds.
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Informational References:
  1. "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden," Dr. Carolyn Male, Workman Publishing, 1999, pages 180-181.