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Riverside Tomato

Riverside Tomato

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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available. Click here to learn more about our seasonal products.

95 days, indeterminate —  'Riverside' has regular leaf plants that are productive. The fruit are flattened-globe to oblate in shape, weigh between three and eight ounces, and are red in color. For an older, red fruited tomato variety, their flavor is not what one would expect. They are unusually mild and sweet with no strong aftertaste making it a good choice for both table and processing use.

'Riverside' was bred by James Wyvill Lesley,[4] Professor of Genetics, at the University of California at Riverside Agricultural Experiment Station, in collaboration with Michael Shapovalov,[2,4] as a stabilized cross between 'Marvana' and 'Santa Clara' tomatoes.[5] It was introduced commercially by the Haven Seed Company of Santa Ana, California in 1937. ' Riverside' was an important introduction in that it is resistant to both Fusarium and Verticillium wilts.[1,3,4]

Our stock was grown out from USDA accession number PI 644776. They received the seed from The University of California in 1961. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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Informational Sources:
  1. "The Riverside tomato. A new variety resistant to two wilt diseases," Lesley, J. W. and M. Shapovalov, Seed World, Magazine, March 26, 1937.
  2. "Yearbook of Agriculture," USDA, 1937.
  3. "Wilt resistance of the Riverside variety of Tomato to both Fusarium and Verticillium wilts," Lesley, J. W. and M. Shapovalov, Phytopathology, Volume 30 Number 9, pages 760-768, 1940.
  4. University Bulletin: A Weekly Bulletin for the Staff of the University of California, Volume 3, October 4, 1954, p. 46.
  5. "The Pedigree of Varieties of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.," G. A. Kemp, Canada Department of Agriculture, Lethbridge, Alberta, April 20, 1960.