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Northern Elan Tomato

Northern Elan Tomato

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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available. Click here to learn more about our seasonal products.

80 days, indeterminate — The vigorous, regular leaf plants of 'Northern Elan' grow to about five feet tall here in Northern Oregon, but with their ability to tolerate cooler, wet weather, they have the potential for a longer season and continued growth. Their fruit are both beautiful and delicious; Beautiful red-brown colored, ribbed, oblate-shaped, ranging from four to fourteen ounces, with typical tomatoes weighing about eight ounces each. They are firm (thick skin / firm flesh) but juicy, delivering a nicely balanced sweet-tart flavor. Resistant to cracking and splitting.

Our original seed sample was sent to us in 2018 by its developer, Robert Marmaduke, a founding member of Cascadian Farms. He introduced it to us by stating, "Northern Elan is a tomato sport, still growing, still flowering in our garden on October 31st, in overnight 40’s in zone 8b and 48ºN. That alone is astounding." He enthusiastically continued to describe it as follows:
"The plant bushed out to six feet in height, with props and twine hangers. It has a gorgeous golden sheen of jewel hairs, thick stems, robust leaves, some as big as my hand. And it set fruit after fruit from self-pollinating flowers, many eight-petaled and as big as a quarter. This is no regular tomato! The fruit ripened by October 21st, no splitting, no black rot, and so shelf-stable, [that] they sat on a sunny window sill until I could harvest the seeds ten days later ... I would not be surprised if it yielded in cold-frame into November!"
Each packet contains at least 20 seeds.
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