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Joe Pye Weed, Spotted

Joe Pye Weed, Spotted

Regular price $3.66 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.66 USD
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Eutrochium maculatum

This North American native plant thrives in a variety of wetland habitats, including sand prairies, sedge meadows, marshes, fens, and swampy thickets, particularly in the northeast and upper Midwest. It flourishes in full to partial sunlight and prefers moist, rich, humusy, calcareous soils. Growing to a height of 4 to 6 feet, it produces fluffy pink flower clusters in mid to late summer, attracting butterflies, honey bees, and wild bees. Joe Pye Weed is an excellent choice for home gardens, meadow gardens, and pollinator conservation efforts, rain gardens, and bioswales as well. Each packet contains 0.1 grams, which is about 350 seeds.

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For best results, cold stratification is needed. In fall or early winter, plant seeds directly in a prepared garden bed. For spring planting, sow the seeds about 10 weeks before the last frost. To start indoors, place seeds in damp soil and refrigerate for 3 weeks. After that, move the seeds to a warm, well-lit spot (around 70°F). Germination can take up to 28 days. Once the seedlings grow, slowly adjust them to outdoor conditions and transplant them after the last frost.

The Victory Seed Company does not advocate medical self-diagnosis or self-medication. Reference to the medicinal properties of plants are described here for educational and historical purposes only and are not to be construed as a prescription, prognosis or diagnosis for any disease or illness. As with any remedies or medicines, you should consult your personal health care provider before using.