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Hege German Pink Tomato

Hege German Pink Tomato

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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available.
Hege German Pink

84 days, indeterminate — The regular leaf plants of 'Hege German Pink' produce fruit that are pink in color, oblate in shape, and weigh from five to twenty ounces each. They offer a very mild, classic, red cherry tomato-type flavor that would definitely compliment recipes that possessed strong, intense flavors. That is, recipes where the addition of tomatoes would not overpower the main flavor profile of the dish.

'Hege German Pink' was sent to us in early 2017 by Craig LeHoullier. Craig had received this old family heirloom variety in 2006 from one of his annual tomato plant customers by the name of Ron Simmons of Walnut Cove, North Carolina. Mr. Simmons told Craig that he purchased plants from a market grower from Welcome, North Carolina named Lacy Eugene Hege, Jr.[1] who was locally known as a master craftsman, tiller of the soil, and famous for his "German Pink Tomatoes."[2] Mr. Hege in turn had received the seed many years prior from a local elderly farmer.

When Craig sent them to us, he described it as a, "... family heirloom, regular leaf large pink, looks like 'German Johnson' but better flavored."[3] Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

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Informational References:
  1. "United States Social Security Death Index," Lacy Eugene Hege, Jr., b. 03 June 1921, d. 19 May 2008, Last Place of Residence: Lexington, Davidson Co., North Carolina.
  2. Obituary of L. E. Hege.
  3. Email correspondence between Mike Dunton and Craig LeHoullier.