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Bozeman Watermelon

Bozeman Watermelon

Regular price $4.19 USD
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Bozeman Watermelon
citrullus lanatus

80-90 Days to maturity. Developed in Bozeman Montana for short-season growing areas, this light green watermelon has a speckled smooth skin. The slightly pear-shaped fruit are large for such an early melon, averaging 10-15 lbs with larger ones up to 18 lbs. It has a very good flavor with a thick pink-red flesh and with few seeds. Keeps for up to a month after picking. The Bozeman watermelon is an excellent choice for northern gardeners and for commercial growers as a short-season market melon. Each packet contains 1 gram, which is about 15-20 seeds.


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Planting Instructions: The seeds can be directly sown in spring after the soil has warmed or started indoors four weeks before the last expected frost. Indoors, plant two to three seeds per pot, ½ inch deep, thinning to the best plant. Do not disturb roots when transplanting.

Outdoors, plant three to four seeds, ½ inch deep, in hills spaced four to six feet apart. Transplant or thin to two plants per hill. Young plants are cold sensitive and some cover protection at nights may be required. Mulch or cultivate to control weeds.