Bountiful Garden Bean
Bountiful Garden Bean
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47 days — Synonyms of 'Bountiful' beans are 'Breck's Boston Snap', 'Improved Six Weeks', and 'Sutton's Plentiful'. The plants are fifteen to eighteen inches tall with a spread of twelve to eighteen inches. They are quite bushy and erect when young but like many older bush-type varieties, will send out short runners becoming somewhat straggly appearing when fully grown.
As the name implies, it is very productive, very early, vigorous, and hardy. The pods are six inches long, light green in color, broad and straight. It is excellent fresh, frozen or canned.
During the late 1890's, it was the common practice of several of the larger seed companies to introduce a few new varieties every year and then offer prizes to people to name them. In 1898, Peter Henderson & Company introduced their "New Green Bush Bean No. 1" and offered twenty-five dollars as a prize for the best name submission. The winner of the contest was Abel Steele of Ferguson, Ontario who sent in the name 'Bountiful'. It was formally introduced as 'Bountiful' in 1899.
Each ounce is approximately 85 seeds.

Beans prefer well-drained, rich soil in a sunny location. Make sure you keep them well watered in the summer heat.
Beans are a tender vegetable and you should not plant them until all danger of frost has passed and the soil remains above 65ºF. Sow seeds 1-1½ inches deep, every two to three inches. Bush-type beans do not require support.
For seed saving, allow pods to remain on the plant until they are brittle and open easily. However, if you live in an area with a short growing season, harvest as close to dry as possible and finish drying indoors. Rain and freezing temps will damage beans.
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