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Asclepias curassavica
Also known as 'Scarlet Milkweed', 'Silkweed', 'Indian Root' and 'Tropical Milkweed'. The plants reach three to four feet in height, has milky sap, hairless stems and foliage, leaves are opposite, flowers are crimson and orange, in clusters that are two to four inches across. It blooms from spring to fall.
A native to the West Indies and South American it has naturalized throughout the tropics. Since it is toxic to livestock, care should be taken when planting near pastures.
The best germination temperature is 65-70ºF. Bloodflower prefers full to partial sun and dry to moist soils. It is easy to grow but may become weedy. Attracts bees, hummingbirds and is a host plant for monarch and queen butterflies; deer resistant.
A perennial in zones 9-12 but can be grown as an annual elsewhere. Each packet contains 0.25 gram, which is approximately 100 seeds.
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