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Bethel Bounty Tomato

Bethel Bounty Tomato

Regular price $2.95 USD
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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available. Click here to learn more about our seasonal products.
Bethel Bounty

90 days, indeterminate — The vines of 'Bethel Bounty' are vigorous and grow quite large; five to six feet tall here in Oregon, but reportedly much taller in other locations. Like other heart shaped tomatoes, the plants exhibit the wispy or weepy foliage. What makes 'Bethel Bounty' quite different is that they have potato leaf foliage. Its fruit are pink in color, heart shaped, and range from four to twenty ounces each. The flesh is very meaty and solid, yet possesses a lovely, well balanced flavor and juicy texture often missing in large pink heart-shaped types.

'Bethel Bounty' was sent to us by Craig LeHoullier who as described it as being a, "unique potato leaf pink heart" and a, "... truly remarkable variety."[1] Craig received seeds in 2019 from Tim Nolan who told us that he had received the tomato in 2014 from his, "... boss, whose father Joe Brueggman was growing them. He had been growing them for 50 years ever since an Italian neighbor gave them to him, in Bethel Park Pennsylvania."[2] Introduced by the Victory Seed company for the 2022 gardening season. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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Informational References:
  1. Email correspondence with Craig LeHoullier (2020-2021).
  2. Email correspondence with  Tim Nolan (2021).