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Texas Bluebonnet

Texas Bluebonnet

Regular price $2.45 USD
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Texas Bluebonnet
Lupinus texensis

'Texas Bluebonnet' has blue flowers, blooms in late spring, reaches eight to twelve inches tall, and prefers a partially sunny location. The seeds can be somewhat difficult to germinate and tend to sprout over time instead of all at once. This is because they naturally have a hard seed coat. To improve germination, growers scarify the seeds prior to sowing. Annual. Each packet contains one gram, which is approximately 25 seeds.
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Planting Instructions
Sow seeds in late fall. They will germinate and slowly grow through the winter, and typically begin blooming in early spring. Allow them to form seedpods in late spring/early summer so they can reseed themselves. Once established they will continue to appear year after year.

Sowing instructions
Scarify seeds (physically damage the seed coat with a knife or rubbed by sandpaper).
Lightly cover with soil and keep well watered until germination occurs.