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Tall Utah 52-70 Celery

Tall Utah 52-70 Celery

Regular price $2.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.75 USD
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Tall Utah 52-70
Apium graveolens var. dulce

110 days — 'Tall Utah 52-70' celery develops eleven to twelve inch tall stalks on plants that can reach up to thirty inches in height. They are a medium dark-green in color and are crisp, tender, and tasty. Introduced in 1953, 'Tall Utah 52-70' is reportedly resistant to several diseases. Each packet contains 0.25 gram, which is approximately 200 seeds.
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Planting Instructions: Start transplants indoors from February through April. Soil must be kept above 55ºF but below 85ºF. Germination is very slow – up to three weeks. Keep moist but not wet.

Transplant out when plants are three to five inches tall after danger of frost has passed. They like rich soil loaded with organic matter with a pH of about 6.5. They are a very heavy feeder.