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Sungold Sunflower

Sungold Sunflower

Regular price $2.95 USD
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Annual Sunflower
Helianthus annuus

'Sungold', also marketed as 'Sungold Dwarf', is a dwarf sunflower variety that only grows to between twenty-four and thirty-six inches tall. The flowerheads also stand out as unusual. Instead of the typical sunflower shaped flower head, they are quite bushy and full of small petals. This makes them popular with pollinating insects. They also are great as cut flowers for both home and market.

Because of their compact size, they are nice to add as a border planting in your gardens and beds. Sunflowers are very easy to grow and make a good choice for novice gardeners and kids. Blooms in the summer and into the fall. Each packet contains one gram, which is approximately 20 seeds.
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Planting Instructions: Sunflowers are very easy to grow and because of their size, quite spectacular for a child’s garden.

Sow directly outdoors, ¾ inches deep. Thin the plants at first to 8 inches and then to two feet to avoid crowding. (We have had good luck transplanting)

Water regularly and weed between the plants to eliminate competition.

Harvest the seeds by cutting the flowering heads when the backs have turned yellow. Complete the drying by hanging them upside down in a warm, dry place.