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Listada De Gandia Eggplant

Listada De Gandia Eggplant

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Listada De Gandia Eggplant
Solanum melongena

90 days - Strikingly beautiful European heirloom from the mid-1850s. Dwarf plants under 18" bear lovely pink elongated fruit with a mild flavor. Performs well in hot summers.

Each packet contains 0.25 gram, which is approximately 25 seeds. 

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Planting Instructions: This is a tropical plant and needs warm weather to thrive. A warm growing season of 100 days or more is optimal. They do best in fertile soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.8.

Start seeds indoors eight weeks prior to transplanting. Sow ¼ inch deep in sterile potting mix. Keep moist. Germination temperature is near 80ºF.

Harden off plants before transplanting outside but make sure they are above 60ºF. After the night temperatures are above 55ºF, transplant 12 to 18 inches apart in rows three feet apart.

Harvest the fruit when they are young as they get seedy with age.