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Gill's Early White Market Sweet Corn

Gill's Early White Market Sweet Corn

Regular price $4.45 USD
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Gill's 'Early White Market'
Sweet Corn

70 days — The stalks of Gill's 'Early White Market' grow to about six feet in height, have some side branching, and bear two, ten inch long ears containing twelve rows of tender, sweet, white colored kernels.

'Early White Market' was introduced by the now-defunct Gill Brother's Seed Company of Portland, Oregon. It has also been known over the years by the synonyms of 'Early Market', 'Extra-Early Market', and 'New Sixty-Day'[1]. In their 1914 seed catalog they stated:

"In this grand new selection from the 'Portland Market' we offer what is positively the earliest true sweet corn in existence. In growing our 'Portland Market' strain we noticed a few ears that matured earlier than that strain and by careful selection year after year we have developed this corn which matures marketable ears 10 to 12 days ahead of 'Portland Market'. Those who have grown our 'Portland Market' know that it is a “first early corn,” and when they realize that this is still earlier they will appreciate the great value of this corn for getting the prices on the early market. ... While not so large as the 'Portland Market', the ears are of good size and well filled with large, sweet, plump, white grains, set 12 to 14 rows to the cob. In character of growth it is similar to 'Portland Market', except it is more dwarf. If you want the first sweet corn in your neighborhood, plant this variety."[2]

As a stabilized selection of Gill's earlier release, Gill's 'Portland Market', 'Early White Market' belongs to a family of sweet corn varieties whose "Great-grandparent" was 'Mammoth White Cory'. Selections were made from 'Mammoth White Cory' leading to the introduction of 'Oakview Early Market' in 1901, Gill's 'Portland Market' in 1910, and 'Early White Market' in 1913.[1]

Our seed originated from a sample of USDA GRIN accession number NSL 28201 which they cross referenced to Gill Brother's Seed Company's 1943 seed catalog. Each packet contains 0.5 ounce, which is approximately 55 to 60 seeds.

- Rare and in Limited Supply -
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Planting Instructions: Soil must be at least 65ºF to germinate. Be patient and do not plant too early or you will waste a lot of seed! Plant in full sun and keep it watered. Corn is a wind-pollinated plant. Plant in blocks several rows wide to ensure full ears.

Sow seeds about 1½ to 2½ inch deep, 3 to 4 inches apart, in rows spaced 24 to 30 inches apart. Thin to 6 to 12 inches apart. Informational Sources:
  1. "Vegetables of New York: Sweet Corn," New York A. E. S., 1934.
  2. "Fourth Annual Catalog," Gill Brother's Seed Company, Portland, Oregon, 1914.