Galeux d' Eysines Winter Squash
Galeux d' Eysines Winter Squash
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100 days — This squash was sent to us by a supporter of ours named Terry Welter who just happens lives just down the road from us in Oregon City, Oregon. He had been growing the variety for some years, noticed that we did not offer it, and believed that we should. Terry was right . . . it is an awesome variety!
'Galeux d' Eysines', also known as 'Galeuse d' Eysines', 'Courge Brodee Galeuse', 'Giraumon Galeux d' Eysines' and 'Warted Sugar Marrow',[2,3,4] is an extremely vigorous, healthy and productive variety. Its name roughly translates into English as "embroidered squash from Eysines."
The fruit are beautifully "ugly," weigh between ten and fifteen pounds each and mature to a salmon colored rind that is covered in warts. They have very thick, orange colored, fine-grained flesh that is sweet and excellent sautéed, roasted, baked or used for pie or soup.
Reportedly an heirloom variety originally from the Bordeaux region France.[1] Click here for instructions on curing and storing winter squash. Each packet contains four grams, which is approximately 10 to 12 seeds.

Here in the Maritime Northwest, it is common to plant seeds in hills. The hills are created by mounding up the soil about four to six inches high, twenty-four inches across at the base and flattened on the top. This allows the soil to be better warmed by the sun and provides better protection from heavy rain.
Sow five to six seeds, one inch deep, in hills or rows. Spacing is dependent on plant type. Vining varieties should be spaced on six foot centers while bush-types at twenty-four to thirty inches apart. When seeds germinate, cut off all but the strongest three or four seedlings.
When laying out your garden, remember to consider the growing habits of the varieties that you are planting. Some bush-types are compact while some vining types require a tremendous amount of space. Harvest time will also vary by type. Informational Resources:
- "Les Plantes Potagères," Vilmorin-Andrieux & Cie, 1883, page 173.
- "The Compleat Squash: A Passionate Grower’s Guide to Pumpkins, Squashes, and Gourds," by Amy Goldman, Workman Publishing, New York, NY, 2005, page 73.
- "Gregory's Honest Seeds," J. J. H. Gregory & Son., Inc., Marblehead, Masssachusetts, 1930.
- "Vegetables of New York: The Cucurbits," New York A. E. S., 1937, page 32.
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