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Crosby Egyptian Beet

Crosby Egyptian Beet

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Crosby Egyptian

60 days — One of the largest early varieties that will keep shape until fall. Tops can reach sixteen inches. Roots are uniform, smooth skinned, and flattened heart shaped.

Beets are rich in the beneficial carotenoid lycopene, which are effective at scavenging the molecules that have been linked to cancer-causing free radicals. Bright red vegetables are also shown to be useful in increasing blood flow and circulation which is beneficial for heart and lung health.

"Egyptian" beet varieties were developed in Germany in the 1860's.[1] The "Crosby" strain originated from the efforts of Josiah Crosby, an Arlington, Massachusetts market gardener who selected to retain the earliness, increase the depth, and remove the roughness of 'Flat Egyptian.' It was introduced commercially in 1885 by James J. H. Gregory of Marblehead, Massachusetts.[2] Each packet contains 4 grams, which is approximately 200 seeds.

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Planting Instructions: In a well-drained location that receives six to eight hours of full sun daily, sow seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep and one inch apart. The rows should be spaced 12 to 24 inches. Make sure that you have loosened the soil to one foot deep and rake smooth.

Firm the soil over the seeds and keep moist, making sure that the young roots do not dry out, until seedlings appear. When plants are 1½ to 3-inches tall, thin to three inches apart. The “thinnings” can be eaten as “baby greens.” Water weekly (or as required) in dry weather. Control weeds. References:
  1. "The Heirloom Gardener", Carolyn Jabs, Sierra Club Books, 1984.
  2. "Descriptions of Types of Principal American Varieties of Red Garden Beets", USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 374, April 1940.