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Aunt Molly's Tomatillo (Ground Cherry)

Aunt Molly's Tomatillo (Ground Cherry)

Regular price $3.45 USD
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Mountain Pima Tomatillo (Ground Cherry)
(Physalis philadelphica formerly Physalis ixocarpa)

65-70 days to maturity. Aunt Molly's produces 1.5" fruits that turn golden orange when fully ripe and drop to the ground. The fruits make a tasty snack when eaten raw, as well as making a great addition to fruit salads, smoothies, jam, and pie filling. Has an acidic tang and wild sweet taste with hints of pineapple. Grows well in poor soil, and is resistant to drought conditions. The fruits store up to 3 months in the husk. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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Planting Instructions:
Days to germination – 5 to 14 days
Days to harvest – 70 days

Sow seeds indoors (do not direct sow into the garden), using sterile seed starting mix, 6 to 8 weeks prior to your last expected frost date.

Plant ¼ inch deep, water lightly, but keep moist until emergence. Optimal soil temps for germination is between 75 to 90°F. After emergence water as needed.

Full light and cooler temps (60 to 70°F) will help to prevent the seedlings from becoming too leggy. If plants become root bound before you can safely set them into the ground, transplant into larger pots.

Harden off plants before planting outside. Young plants are very susceptible to frost and sunburn damage. Avoid too much nitrogen. Water evenly but not in excess.