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Earth Tones Dent Corn

Earth Tones Dent Corn

Regular price $3.49 USD
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Earth Tones
Dent Corn

85 to 95 days — 'Earth Tones' dent corn produces ears that are eight to ten inches long on stalks that grow from seven to ten feet in height. The interesting trait about 'Earth Tones' dent is its multitude of beautiful, muted, soft, earth-tone colors that include shades of gold, bronze, mauve, pink, green, browns, blues and many shades in between. The kernels are not shiny or intense like typical ornamental "Indian Corn" varieties.

The beautiful ears of 'Earth Tones' dent corn can be used ornamentally for decorations, but it as a grain corn, it is ground into flour as a food staple, or can be used as animal feed. Each packet contains one ounce, which is approximately 90 to 95 seeds.
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Planting Instructions: Soil must be at least 65ºF to germinate. Be patient and do not plant too early or you will waste a lot of seed! Plant in full sun and keep it watered. Corn is a wind-pollinated plant. Plant in blocks several rows wide to ensure full ears.

Sow seeds about 1½ to 2½ inch deep, 3 to 4 inches apart, in rows spaced 24 to 30 inches apart. Thin to 6 to 12 inches apart.

Harvest Information:

Pick the ears for dry grain or decoration when the husks are dry and the kernels are hard enough that you cannot make a dent in them with your fingernail. Many people pick the ears too early when kernels are still soft. If this is done they shrivel up and shrink and their beauty is destroyed. They cannot finish maturing once they have been picked.

Even though the ears look dry, there remains moisture deep within the cob. If you were to enclose them in a box, the moisture would cause them to sour and mold. You may let them dry longer on the plants if neither weather nor predators are damaging them. Otherwise hang them up or lay them out in the open until they are completely dry inside.