January 2023 update

As expected, right around New Year's Day everyone all at once decided it was time to start thinking about gardening, and the orders started pouring in. We hand pack every packet that goes out the door, so you can imagine how much time we've spent.

We are fortunate to have been able to add two people to our staff this year, and they have been a huge help to us. (Side note: We're hoping for more. If you're in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and would like to do some part time help, contact us! We need people who can count seeds into packets. It's a bit tedious work, but we have a fun and quiet work environment with friendly people.)

Here's Jon preparing the tomato packets for yesterday's orders.

Jon preparing packets

In other exciting news, we have secured a relationship with the owner of a 50 acre farm an hour west of us, and on this farm we will be growing out a lot of the most important Victory Seeds varieties. The farm is isolated; basically it's in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forests of the Cross Timbers region of Texas.

We will grow a lot of tomatoes here, as well as beans, squash, melons, cucumbers and corn. 

This field below is the prime location where we will grow most of our tomatoes in 2023.

We also have over 100 individuals around the country who have expressed interest this year in joining our network of growers. These will be growers of mostly tobacco and tomatoes. If you are interested in joining us as a grower, send an email to Dave at dave@victoryseeds.com.

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