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Matchum Tomato

Matchum Tomato

Regular price $2.95 USD
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Certified Natural Grown VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This variety will be available again in early January, 2026. Please signup above to be notified when it becomes available. Click here to learn more about our seasonal products.

90 days, indeterminate — The fruit are red, flattened globe shaped and ranging from seven to ten ounces. A very good producer.

'Matchum' was bred by Dr. Charles E. Myers at the USDA's Pennsylvania Station by stabilizing a cross between 'Hummer' and 'Matchless'. It was introduced in 1922[1] and commercially released by the Schell Seed Company in 1929[2].

Our stock was grown out from seed originally obtained from the USDA back in 1999 (GRIN accession number NSL 27099). We have been growing it out since the early 2000's and reintroduced it to the gardening public in 2013. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.
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Informational References:
  1. "Yearbook of Agriculture", United States Department of Agriculture, 1937.
  2. History of Penn State's Horticulture Department