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Tom Thumb Butterhead Lettuce

Tom Thumb Butterhead Lettuce

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Tom Thumb

70 days — Very compact butterhead-type plants with small, tennis ball sized heads. The leaves of 'Tom Thumb' are medium green, slightly crumpled with creamy yellow centers.

Dating back to the 1830s, it is one of the oldest American varieties still available. Does well in containers indoors and out.  "The Vegetable Garden," (1885) by M.M.Vilmorin-Andrieux calls it "Laitue Gotte Lente à Monter." Each packet contains one gram, which is approximately 500 to 600 seeds.

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Planting Instructions: Lettuce and other greens thrive in cool spring and fall weather (50° F to 60° F). A few greens can handle summer heat, but most of them prefer the cooler temperatures of spring and fall. Most lettuce and greens can withstand occasional exposure to light frost but if very cold weather is coming, protect your plants with a frost cover.

Sowing: Prepare the seedbed outdoors using a hard tined rake, smoothening out the soil. Lightly sow and just barely cover the seeds with soil. Keep soil moist until germination is achieved. You can also start seeds indoors by sowing into seed starting trays using fresh new seed starting potting mix into clean seed starting trays. Just barely cover the seeds and keep well watered until they sprout. Harden off and transplant into the garden after about 3 weeks.